Homeopatist skincare scientists in collaboration with homeopathy experts empirically tested more then 100 bio active ingredients to find the key to a unique deep moisturizing skincare product. While observing plants essential to deep moisturizing, skin care scientists uncovered holistic approach by homeopathy to skin moisturizing by, CALENDULA D1; ARNICA D1; SMBUCUS D1 ;PLANTAGO D1- rare and powerful energy molecules appear in skin to deeply hydrate skin.

Using the delicate process of Homeopathy, Homeopatist captures and eternalizes these fragile energy molecules to create the deep moisturizing in skin. Homeophatic moisturizing cream helps renew vitality, while helping to enhance regeneration, firmness, uniformity of skin tone, hydration and radiance. Camellia and Canola oils, along with Shea Butter, provide added comfort.